
Professor Kang Lee, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in developmental neuroscience at the University of Toronto.


 Affective Artificial Intelligence & Law: Opportunities, Applications, and Challenges


Artificial intelligence is now everywhere and has the potential to change all aspects of our lives. However one major shortcoming of the AI today is that although it may have high IQ, it lacks EQ, or emotional intelligence. In fact, the best AI system today does not have the emotional intelligence of a 2-year old. For AI to transform our lives, AI must reach the next level. That is, any future AI system must have not only IQ but EQ. In this talk, Kang Lee will draw insights from a century of psychological research on human emotion to discuss various methods AI developers can use to develop intelligent systems with affective artificial intelligence, or the ability to detect, decode, interpret, and simulate human affects. He will also showcase several existing applications related to law and discuss the opportunities afforded by affective artificial intelligence as well as potential challenges.

About Kang

Kang Lee is Professor, and Tier 1 CRC Chair in developmental neuroscience at the University of Toronto. For over two decades, Kang has studied how children learn to tell lies. His work has led to law reforms concerning how to admit children as witnesses in the criminal court in Canada. Drawing on more than 2 decades of research, his team has developed a novel imaging system called Transdermal Optical Imaging that uses conventional video cameras to decode human physiology and emotions. Kang is a TED speaker and a co-founder and chief science officer of Nuralogix